
Definition of Selling General and Administrative SG&A Expenses Gartner Finance Glossary

Administrative expenses are costs related to the general administration of the business. This category of costs does not relate specifically to any business function such as production and sales. These costs are incurred at the corporate level, rather than by individual departments or business units. Looking at cost behavior, most administrative costs are fixed, though some are also variable and mixed.

What are administrative costs and give examples?

Administrative expenses are costs that relate to regular business operations. Administrative expenses can be fixed or semi-variable. Common examples include rent, utilities, equipment, supplies, insurance policies, salaries, benefits and legal counsel.

For R&D, total Federal awards expended must be shown either by individual Federal award or by Federal agency and major subdivision within the Federal agency. For example, the National Institutes of Health is a major subdivision in the Department of Health and Human Services. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), a Federal agency, Inspectors General, or GAO may conduct or arrange for additional audits which are necessary to carry out its responsibilities under Federal statute or regulation. The provisions of this part do not authorize any non-Federal entity to constrain, in any manner, such Federal agency from carrying out or arranging for such additional audits, except that the Federal agency must plan such audits to not be duplicative of other audits of Federal awards. Prior to commencing such an audit, the Federal agency or pass-through entity must review the FAC for recent audits submitted by the non-Federal entity, and to the extent such audits meet a Federal agency or pass-through entity’s needs, the Federal agency or pass-through entity must rely upon and use such audits. Any additional audits must be planned and performed in such a way as to build upon work performed, including the audit documentation, sampling, and testing already performed, by other auditors.

What Are Fixed and Semi-Variable Costs?

The Act provides that each contractor or subrecipient must be prohibited from inducing, by any means, any person employed in the construction, completion, or repair of public work, to give up any part of the compensation to which he or she is otherwise entitled. (c) A report on compliance for each major program and a report on internal control over compliance. In most cases, the auditee’s compliance responsibility for contractors is only to ensure that the procurement, receipt, and payment for goods and services comply with Federal statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of Federal awards. Federal award compliance requirements normally do not pass through to contractors. However, the auditee is responsible for ensuring compliance for procurement transactions which are structured such that the contractor is responsible for program compliance or the contractor’s records must be reviewed to determine program compliance.

administration cost meaning

And if you want to calculate your total SG&A, you simply include selling expenses in your calculation. However, if the space being occupied is used by all departments, tracing rent to either production, sales, or administration can be costly. In this case, the total rent expense will simply be allocated to all three categories (manufacturing overhead, selling, and administrative expenses) on a rational basis.

G&A Expenses: Definition, Examples, How to Calculate & More

Financial obligations, when referencing a recipient’s or subrecipient’s use of funds under a Federal award, means orders placed for property and services, contracts and subawards made, and similar transactions that require payment. The instrument is the grant agreement, cooperative agreement, other agreement for assistance covered in paragraph (2) of the definition of Federal financial assistance in this section, or the cost-reimbursement contract awarded under the Federal Acquisition Regulations. Discretionary award means an award in administration cost meaning which the Federal awarding agency, in keeping with specific statutory authority that enables the agency to exercise judgment (“discretion”), selects the recipient and/or the amount of Federal funding awarded through a competitive process or based on merit of proposals. A discretionary award may be selected on a non-competitive basis, as appropriate. Allocation means the process of assigning a cost, or a group of costs, to one or more cost objective(s), in reasonable proportion to the benefit provided or other equitable relationship.

What is administrative vs indirect costs?

Indirect costs (IC), also known as facilities and administrative costs, are defined as those costs that are incurred for common or joint objectives and therefore cannot be identified readily and specifically with a particular sponsored project, an instructional activity, or any other institutional activity.

The value of the personal property and space may not be charged to the Federal award either as a direct or indirect cost. (i) For pension plans financed on a pay-as-you-go method, allowable costs will be limited to those representing actual payments to retirees or their beneficiaries. (3) Actual claims paid to or on behalf of employees or former employees for workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation, severance pay, and similar employee benefits (e.g., post-retirement health benefits), are allowable in the year of payment provided that the non-Federal entity follows a consistent costing policy.

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